From the secret laboratories of Real Agent Profits.


Keep reading, your exclusive information is below.

If you're looking for new ways to find ACTIVE home buyers and sellers in your market...

A way to turn those people into your clients and ultimately...

Close more transactions for your real estate business, consistently...

Then this is the most important letter you will read today.

Keep reading below to see exactly why in a minute.

But First... A Warning

Before we go any further, we need to make sure something is abundantly clear.

Please understand this is not one of those “get rich quick by doing no work” Online Training Programs that will promise you everything for doing nothing.

Here’s the deal.

What you’re getting is a step-by-step process that will teach you exactly how to find and connect with ACTIVE home buyers and sellers in your local area...

And secure consistent lead flow in your real estate business so you can find your next deal, and NOT have to rely on anyone else to do this for you...

It's been working fantastic for our clients to find and create new relationships with home buyers and sellers, while adding massive exposure for their Personal Brands & Businesses

We have used the exact information that we are giving you in this Training Program for our 150+ clients all across North America (this works in all areas)...

Helping them generate real estate leads, find new clients for their business, and expose them to hundreds of thousands of people in their area - digitally.

This exact system has helped Realtors secure more client relationships without the time expenditure of using manual prospecting methods like cold calling and door knocking, and without spending money on marketing that doesn't work...🤮

You are getting a Training Program that will teach you how to set up a Direct Response Marketing System, that will require minimal effort required from you to find your next prospects.

Are we suggesting it is for every Realtor (or any Realtor)?


Are we suggesting it’s for you?


We don’t know how much the Realtors that buy this Training Program will make - it’s likely that many or most of the Realtors that buy will make little or nothing at all (if they don’t follow the directions and put in the work!).

Your results will vary and depend on many factors…including but not limited to your background, sales systems, sales experience, and work ethic.

If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS TRAINING PROGRAM…’s not for you and you won't benefit from it.

With that said let us jump in and show you…

Exactly What You're Getting

This is the worlds most affordable, real estate lead generation program that will teach you exactly how to setup a system that will find YOUR OWN real estate leads AND secure consistent lead flow in your real estate business so you can find your next deal

In just 14 Days.

And when we say affordable, we mean less than the average realtors 30 Day coffee budget...☕️

This is a battle-tested “field guide” to quickly set up a Facebook Ads prospecting system in your business to find and turn active home buyers and sellers into new relationships, and fill your sales pipeline with new opportunities consistently.

The reason why there is no fluff or filler... it has a step-by-step format WITH ACTION STEPS showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why.

We're talking 14 days of power packed video trainings, step-by-step action checklists, AND over-the-shoulder client walkthroughs, where we show you behind-the-scenes of EXACTLY how we setup and manage PROFITABLE marketing and sales systems for our rockstar clients...

Imagine having people coming to you almost immediately after going through and fully implementing this Training Program looking to buy or sell a home...

And It's About MORE Than Just Leads

See, you’ll immediately “get” the entire methodology our 150+ clients have used to create a Client Acquisition System that consistently and persistently brings people into your business that have shown interest in buying and/or selling a home.

You could set this up for your business in just 14 days by using this Training Program.

Here’s a fraction of what you’re learning during the 14 days and what it might mean for your real estate business…

Have you been struggling to get started finding more clients?

This is a GREAT jumpstart to find more clients for your Real Estate Business.

Follow the Action Steps in this Training Program and you’ll set up your VERY OWN Real Estate Lead Generation Campaign.

  • Learn the foundations and fundamentals and get a complete grasp of what it takes to succeed...both in real estate, and with the systems and strategies we'll be teaching you. [Days 1 & 2]

  • How to quickly set up for success, even if you don’t have technical skills. [Day 4].

  • FIND NEW PROSPECTS! Quickly find active home buyers and sellers in your area.

Quite surprisingly, there’s not as much competition with this opportunity as you would think, and it’s around 300 times easier than the “traditional” methods some realtors do (like door knocking or cold calling).

You’ll get a crystal clear understanding of how to do this in the Training Program, even if you don’t know anything about social media marketing and advertising.

But that's not all...

You'll also discover how to...

Find More Opportunities

  • Create your very own PROVEN SYSTEM to consistently generate new client opportunities in DROVES.

Maybe you've tried online advertising before with little-to-no problem.

Beginning on Day 6, you’ll get proven "grab-and-play" templates you can plug-in to save massive amounts of time and quickly fill your sales pipeline.

  • On Day 3, we walk you through the Social Media Ad Funnel and the importance of having a system that finds active home buyers and sellers in your marketplace...WITHOUT you having to lift a finger or spend additional time prospecting for new clients.

  • Learn how to become THE authority figure for Real Estate in your market.

Implement this with your other marketing strategies and completely dominate your market…catapulting you, your business, and your Brand to Celebrity Status.

Outsell your competition while they’re left scratching their heads in wonder.

  • This approach works like crazy and will NOT involve spending a ton of money up front.

  • You can find active home buyers and sellers in your marketplace, and turn them into your clients...

You’re right... that is a lot of value you can use today to propel your business forward using proven strategies and templates that are working right now, not in 2022.

But it gets even better because you’re also getting…

Advanced Follow Up Training & Scripts

  • The Fortune Is In The Follow Up. Learn how to effectively communicate with your leads that have shown some interest in potentially working with you. [Day 12]

Learn to become less "salesy" and lead with empathy.

  • The Sale Is Won Or Lost At "Hello". Gain exclusive access to proven and tested scripts for you to use when contacting your new prospects!

    Know exactly what to say and how to qualify valuable new prospects.

Make things quicker and easier on yourself by using our proven follow up script templates to maximize your success, establish trust and command authority.

And believe me, it does not stop there...

Need a way of organizing and managing your conversations, relationships, and more?

Well you'll also be receiving exclusive access to...

Get 3 Months Of Free Access to this powerful customized Client Relationship Management (CRM) Software that includes but is not limited to:

Facebook & Instagram Ads Integration

  • Connect your Facebook Ads Account (& Instagram) and Get EXCLUSIVE Access To Our Library Of Proven Ad Templates We Are Currently Using For Our Clients We Work 1-on-1 With.

  • Save massive amounts of time and money on testing and just model what is already working!

  • Easy-to-use interface allowing you to quickly create your ad copy, creative, and targeting options all within your CRM!

  • AI Powered Ad Copywriting Generation - write your copy quickly and easily with help from AI!

  • Real-time performance tracking and analytics - so you can leverage actionable insight - use your data to learn what is working and what isn't.

  • Easily manage your leads and ads all in once place!

With you’ll also get exclusive access to our easy-to-create, plug-and-play ad templates that we’ve used and tested and have proven they are working for our clients right now - not in 2022.

Two-Way Communications

  • Automated Messaging capabilities allows you to automate your follow up, saving massive amounts of time and energy on following up with all the leads you'll be finding.

  • Multi-Channel Messaging capabilities allows you to communicate with your clients via Phone Calls, SMS, Email, Voicemail, Facebook Messenger & Instagram DM's and MORE!

  • Use Broadcasts to send sms, email, and voicemail "blasts" to your contacts to keep them updated!

You will all your communications in one place, and organized!

With you’ll have access all of our proven follow up templates for both buyers and sellers, with easy to setup, plug and play automations that you can use to ensure no lead is missed and you have proven systems in place, helping you with your follow up.

Sales Pipeline Management

  • Pipeline Visualization - visualize your sales process as a pipeline, allowing you to see at a glance where each opportunity is in the sales cycle. Prioritize your efforts and focus on the opportunities that are most likely to close.

  • Customizable Stages - customize stages of your sales pipeline to match your specific process.

  • Team Collaboration - add team members to your CRM and work together to move sales opportunities through your pipeline to closing.

  • Reporting - generate reports on your sales pipeline, track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

Automated Scheduling And Posting On All Your Social Media Accounts

  • Schedule & Post Content On Facebook Page & In Facebook Group

  • Schedule & Post Content On Instagram

  • Schedule & Post Content On Google MyBusiness

  • Schedule & Post Content On LinkedIn Profile & Page

  • Schedule & Post Content On Twitter

  • Schedule & Post Content On TikTok

AI Content Creation

  • Create Social Media Content Using Content AI

    ✅Create Content 10x Faster

    ✅Increase Your Productivity

    ✅Improved Quality

    ✅Stay Consistent

  • Create Emails Using Content AI

    ✅Generate Outlines, Introductions, And Specific Sections For Emails

    ✅Faster And More Efficient Email Creation

    ✅Tailor Your Content

    ✅Create Variations

    ✅User Friendly Interface - Easy To Use

Review Generation

  • Improve Your Online Reputation by collecting reviews from your awesome clients and increase your visibility and credibility!

  • Streamlined Review Collection

  • Actionable Insights

  • Higher Conversion Rates - positive reviews could increase your conversion rates by providing social proof and instilling confidence in potential clients!


AI Appointment Booking With (COMING SOON)

Build And Host Your Own IDX Website Inside (COMING SOON)

Google Ads Integration (COMING SOON)

YouTube Ads Integration (COMING SOON)

Tic-Tok Ads Integration (COMING SOON)

You will have everything you need to setup and manage an entire marketing system quickly and with ease, all within!

Here's What To Do Next

Would you believe us if we told you that you can get all this value today for less than the average Realtors 1 month coffee budget!?

; - P

The investment of this Training Program is just $48 and you'll receive instant, lifetime access.

Why $48?

We priced 14 Day Real Estate Lead Generation this way for 2 reasons:

1 ) To give any realtor, either new or highly experienced, the opportunity to learn PROFITABLE online Real Estate Lead Generation on their own…WITHOUT breaking the bank.

2 ) This is a Pre-Sale Offer.

We've massively discounted 14 Day Real Estate Lead Generation and in return are asking for feedback so we can take the feedback from you and create the absolute BEST training program for you to take and absolutely dominate.

By purchasing this program today, you will be one of the Founding Members of this program giving you exclusive access to some VERY powerful, free and EXCLUSIVE bonuses that we will be releasing JUST to you in the near future.

We're aiming to provide massive amounts of value, significantly more than just $48 - we're aiming for $10,000 in use value (at least).

As soon as you place your order today, you’ll be sent an email receipt and login credentials to the training program.

From there you'll have lifetime access to all of the content and future content immediately!

You’ll be able to access it from anywhere, instantly!

And in case you’re wondering...

There Is No Catch!

We're giving you this information at a low cost, as one of our best means of helping others and demonstrating real, tangible value.

It’s our hope that you take the Training Program and implement it into your real estate business so you can have success with it.

It is also our hope that this is the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

And just in case you're wondering...

"Well this sounds great and all but what if it doesn't work in my my market"...

Just know - we’ve used the information in this program, to find active home buyers and sellers in almost every state and province in USA and Canada...

Helping our clients in over 100 different areas both big and small, and every single time we’ve been able find ACTIVE home buyers and sellers in those areas for our clients.

With that being said...

Time Is Of The Essence!

Here’s why.

We're looking to get as many founding members into this Pre-Sale Offer as we can, so we can collect more feedback and be able to provide the absolute BEST Training Program the world has ever seen.

But because this is a pre-sale offer, we won't keep it at this deeply discounted price forever...

We also have other awesome products and services you might be interested in... so I’m placing a bet that you’ll enjoy 14 Day Real Estate Lead Generation and be able to implement it quickly and effectively...

...this would mean you could take interest in other training/products/services/guides/ect.

You get the point.

Oh - one more thing.

You're also getting free access to... Community & Support

  • Get Access To A Private, Growing Community Of Realtors where you could strategize, network and build new relationships with other members!

  • Exclusive Access To Contests Within The Community For System Prizes, Cash Prizes, And Travel Prizes!

  • Get 3 Months Free Slack Support Access. Have Your Own Dedicated Support Channel so you can access support for any questions or concerns. Get responses within 24 hours!!

And by the way, even though you’re paying a ridiculously low price you’re still protected by...

Our BOLD Guarantee

We can give a Bold 100% Guarantee you'll take 14 Day Real Estate Lead Generation and be able to implement it in your business immediately to find more home buyers and sellers in your area or...

We'll return your $48 no questions asked.

Just contact us within 30 Days of purchase, with proof that you went through the training and applied it with no success - we'll send you back your $48 AND...

We could set up a quick 1 on 1 meeting to see what went wrong, and how we could get you back on track.

No Questions Asked

Does that sound fair to you?

This Is A Truly Limited PRE-SALE Offer So Claim Exclusive Founding Member Access Now Before It Goes Away!

Yes! I Want This Insane Training Program For Finding Active Home Buyers And Sellers In My Area, And Turning Them Into My Real Estate Leads, Clients, And Transactions Every Single Month

We appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and we look forward to hearing from you again soon!

~Brett Bennie and Jon Rempel.

~P.s. if you'd like a summary of what we described in the letter:

You'll set up your very own "Client Gettin' System" to consistently and predictably bring you home buyers and sellers in your area.

We're going to give you our 14 Day Real Estate Lead Generation Training Program power-packed with video trainings, step-by-step action checklists, and over the shoulder walkthroughs, where we show you behind-the-scenes of EXACTLY how we setup and manage PROFITABLE marketing and sales systems for our rockstar clients...

You'll also receive advanced plug-and-play templates and scripts that you can quickly and easily set them up to use in your campaigns...


All you're paying is a measly $48.

***We're also giving you 3 Months Free Access To AND Slack Support to fully supplement 14 Day Real Estate Lead Generation.

We're giving it you as a gift because we want you to have everything you need to succeed with this program.

This is a very limited pre-sale offer to test and see if we can continue to run it at this pre-sale price.

If we're not able to break even on our advertising costs this offer won't stay up or the price will certainly increase.

There is no "catch" to this offer.

In fact, if 14 Day Real Estate Lead Generation doesn't work for you...

Just contact us within 30 Days of purchase, with proof

that you went through the training and applied it with no success

--->Click Here To Enroll Now<---

You Won't Regret It.

Yes! I Want This Insane Training Program For Finding Active Home Buyers And Sellers In My Area, And Turning Them Into My Real Estate Leads, Clients, And Transactions Every Single Month

DISCLAIMER: Any figures stated above are our business's figures. Please understand our results are not typical, we're not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your sales background, experience, and work ethic.

All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET 14 DAY REAL ESTATE LEAD GENERATION.

Copyright 2022 - Real Agent Profits, LLC. 312 W 2nd St #, Casper, WY 82601

14DRELG Support Line (302) 305 - 7257

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